Before you vote, remember -
I still have faith in the American people. With this in mind, I implore you to remember some of the following before you vote:
“What, pray tell, has Kamala Harris accomplished in her years of public service? I do know that she led the charge to raise money to free rioters from jail during the George Floyd riots. I do know that she is an ardent Marxist, as was her father and mother. I do know that she believes fervently in no bail for non-violent crimes like robbing convenience stores or drug stores. I do know she is a staunch supporter of abortion at any stage of pregnancy. I do know that she arranged for funding for prisoners to have sex change operations at taxpayer expense. I do know that she was appointed Border Czar and has done absolutely nothing to reduce the flow of illegal aliens into our country. But what exactly has she done to help the average Joe Citizen here in America? If you know, please tell me because I and about 82 million voters would like to know.”
Please remember these things as you vote in the most important election of our lifetimes. Vote as if your life and the lives of your children and grandchildren depended on it—because they do.