It was Tommy Robinson -and for years no-one else of note- who hammered on the doors of mass media demanding that the epidemic of Pakistani pedophile gang-rape in England be exposed and purged from our shores. In return he was slandered, attacked, and repeatedly imprisoned under evermore absurd pretences. The modern left’s very own Emmanuel Goldstein, the mere mention of his name would conjure psychotic visions of swastika parties in the addled minds of BBC-level TV viewers. Yet none of Robinson’s activities were ever ‘far right’ -until the insane neo-liberals moved so far to the extreme left that the term itself was rendered meaningless. It was Tommy’s bad luck to be born in an era when liberal extremism was being force-fed to a generation of idle slackers indoctrinated into sheepish compliance.
I am posting this for the second time. It is the best article ever written about Tommy.