CHAPTER 37: Euphemisms, Propaganda, and "Losing Reality Bit by Bit" - Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*
Before sex assignment surgery takes place, there is a process known as social transition, in which the student adopts a new gender identity, a new name, pronouns, often new clothing, hair style, and use of opposite-sex facilities such as bathrooms and locker rooms. During this period of social transition, parents, friends, and teachers are supposed to endorse the student's belief that he or she is in the wrong body. Dr. Grossman reminds parents that it is their responsibility to support objective reality, and advises parents that supporting a delusion is not a loving gesture, especially when it leads to harm:
"Affirmation" has a positive connotation, and when ideologues chose that word, it was a strategic move. Affirming your child seems kind and loving. Instead of distressed, she's comfortable. She's happy. But it's not kind or loving to validate an untruth.
* Linda’s book is now available at Amazon