CHAPTER 38: BigBrain, BICAN, and "The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism" - Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*
Scientism supports globalist strivings for technocracy and transhumanism—the building blocks of the globalist Unistate. The reader will recall that transhumanism is the transcendence of our bodies' physical limitations, and the ascendance to "Humanity 2.0." What globalism's talking heads fail to mention is that Scientism's Humanity 2.0 also "transcends" Judeo-Christian morality, which safeguards the individual. Scientism protects the collective, the group. The empathy and compassion that are signature characteristics of Judeo-Christian morality are entirely absent in Scientism.
This is an essential detail. The Unistate has no place for human empathy, compassion, or family loyalty. Scientism replaces family loyalty and patriotism with exclusive loyalty to the Unistate in a life devoid of empathy and compassion. Young people who embrace collectivism, Scientism, transgenderism, and transhumanism fail to recognize this essential detail and its profound implications.