Coming Clean on J6
The J6 matter is far from closed. Many Americans still believe Biden’s repeated assertion that J6 was “the greatest attack on American democracy since the Civil War” and the day “we almost lost it all.” But we saw it unfold that day, on live TV, in real time. And once again, we’re told not to believe our lying eyes. We know what insurrections look like — they topple governments, leaving swaths of death, destruction, and chaos.
Our J6 riot was nothing of the sort. It was briefly angry and disruptive — and then it was over. Only one shot was fired — that by a Capitol police lieutenant, tragically killing an unarmed female trespasser. The J6 riot should never have happened, but its net impact on our democratic process was nil; the planned election certification proceeded later that day. Calling it an insurrection is absurd.
The insurrection myth must be put to bed once and for all.