We express our strong condemnation of the nomination of UNRWA for the Nobel Peace Prize. Our concerns are rooted in UNRWA’s cooperation with terror groups in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.
UNRWA workers participated in the events surrounding the October 7th massacre, UNRWA school teachers have been linked to leadership positions within Hamas, and UNRWA facilities have been used to store weapons and serve as launch sites for attacks.
The connection of UNRWA and Hamas contradict the values that the Nobel Peace Prize seeks to promote. UNRWA is no peace mission or humanitarian aid organization: they aid only terror and violence, and promote violence and hatred of Jews and Israelis.
Recognizing UNRWA with the Nobel Peace Prize would send a contradictory message about the values of peace and reconciliation. We urge the Nobel Committee to reconsider this nomination.
UNRWA is not worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize