The general sentiment among the Canadian punditry is that it is time for Trudeau to resign. The legacy press and the CBC, both generously subsidized by Trudeau, have reluctantly read the writing on the wall. The conservative and politically neutral media are less forgiving, ardently reading the riot act. It seems everyone but Trudeau knows his time is up, especially after the knockout blow delivered by Freeland. Nonetheless, the consensus is that Trudeau will defy his critics and hang on until the federal election slated for Oct. 20, 2025.
If Trudeau manages to cling to power, which, as I’ve argued, is in the current situation a lesser disadvantage, one thing is certain, especially if her nibs is the Liberal standard-bearer come the election. Before we go to the polls again, we should examine the skeletons in Chrystia Freeland’s closet.
Trudeau must be tried for Treason and Genocide... pedophilia and so much more. He and Chrystia were cohorts in crime. She knows he is going down and that is why she is trying to separate herself from him. It was she that okayed sending $30 billion to the Ukraine along with our Military equipment and budget. She also okayed the selling of the Crown Corporation of Canada to CCP 'Asian Bank' in November of 2022. Check out Chrystia's background and family connection to German war crimes.
No need to check Freelands closet. All
Of them from Shanahan to Gould, Champagne to Mendocino , deserve obscurity, scorn or criminal charges for directing illegal acts