Trudeau must be tried for Treason and Genocide... pedophilia and so much more. He and Chrystia were cohorts in crime. She knows he is going down and that is why she is trying to separate herself from him. It was she that okayed sending $30 billion to the Ukraine along with our Military equipment and budget. She also okayed the selling of the Crown Corporation of Canada to CCP 'Asian Bank' in November of 2022. Check out Chrystia's background and family connection to German war crimes.
Re:Treason - “That word you keep using, I don’t think it means what you think it means.”
You might be disappointed by Canada’s definition of treason in its Criminal Code. There, treason is defined as an offence against an elected government, not against “the people.” Thus, as the potentially aggrieved party, it is only “the government” that can bring forward a charge of treason, making the prospect of a government charging itself for an offence against itself absurd.
And Trudeau acting in his capacity as its head (as opposed to hiding his actions from, say, his Privy Council, his cabinet and/or the legislature) is, likewise, ineligible for charges of treason.
The reasoning for this is rather straightforward: in a criminal proceeding, a complainant must be as clearly defined/identified as an accused; but, as there are any number of entities that might portray themselves as representing Canadians as a whole, only a duly-elected government - by way of its recognized electoral endorsement - can lay a sufficiently provable claim to that role.
Of the two charges, then, genocide might be the more viable; but if Trudeau’s role in same involved lawful use of his legislative powers, then the charge would actually circle back on us as his electoral empower-ers.
These considerations are, in part, why we don’t see any in the judicial realm even floating the idea of such charges. (Another part is, of course, cowardice and complicity.) If, however, one were to change the rules of the game - say, for instance, to assert a superseding military authority by way of a tribunal - then all other bets could be off the table. Absent such a drastic development, calls of “Treason for Trudeau” are just so much emotional noise and are hardly worth entertaining.
Better we direct our energies towards defenestrating as many of the complicit and enabling operatives in our governments as possible and replacing same with capable and trustworthy alternatives. That would require one helluva lot of grass roots level party and electoral reclamation, efforts the embedded interests are confident we’re unprepared to undertake.
1. The betrayal of allegiance toward one's own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.
2. The betrayal of someone's trust or confidence.
3. The offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power; disloyalty; treachery.
Trudeau is complicit and fits perfectly into ALL of the above. He sold Crown Corp of Canada to CCP (Asian Bank) in Nov 2022, which is now listed as a FOREIGN Government ... no longer a Country. The evidence is clear as day on the Sec. I watched it change ... overnight and have the prospectus from 2021 prior to the sale, with stats back to 1997 of all governments...
There is one humungus deficit in 2021 when Trudeau gave $30 billion to Ukraine to protect his investment in the bioweapon Labs of which he gets a $40 kickback for every dose sold worldwide, on top of the $500 million Gates gave him in 2015 for selling the US banned Sars CoV2 bioweapon to his Wuhan Lab, along with Trudeau family investment in the Acuitas Lab, synthetic mRNA. He is supposed to answer to the Crown and "Protect" the people... not murder them. A Quo Warranto has been filed against him and the Governor General, who also has no real authority. We have been ruled under a 'de-facto' government since 1901, as Queen Elizabeth 1 never bequeathed the Crown Corporation of Canada to an heir. This only gave her jurisdiction via the government over the people whose birth certificates were altered to ALL CAPS and traded on the stock market like chattel, using our rightful dowry at birth. The Crown has NEVER had jurisdiction over the land and has been pirating it since 1600s when the explorers stuck a flag in Newfoundland and claimed it for the King.
FYI The Criminal Code was recently rewritten to protect the governments ass... which was noted by the owner of the Copyright and demanded that it go back to its original state.
Excellent points, all. The big issue is to identify a body that is both capable of, and prepared to, adjudicate the complaints - and (most importantly) to enforce its judgments. Furthermore, as I mentioned, above, finding a complainant that such a body would recognize as valid (based on what criteria?) would be a major hurdle.
Indeed, the entire process favours and protects its drafters and its operatives, since neither group is going to subject itself to incrimination or peril at its own hand.
In the end, as has always been the case, it’s a matter of who wields “The Big Stick.” And, truth be told, that’s never really been we, the people.
Norm Traversy (who is the real person who was one of the organizers in the Truckers Freedom Rally, who filed a Quo Warranto against the Governor General and which nullifies her authority in addition to ALL Crown Corporations under her, government, legal etc. (Allegedly, Tamara Lich was a corporate plant ... still is. She was paid to get inside info and one of the reasons for the failure or of the convoy. There is no indication that she was jailed ... and who paid her court costs?... Why was her case so open and shut? To take attention away from the truth.
Norm has been battling Trudeau on his own, with very little assistance, as he has info that implicates Trudeau as a king pin in the Pig Farm scandal. The farmer was mentally challenged and used as a patsy to coverup for those who perpetrated the crimes. They set up and staged cameras showing him doing strange things to his pigs... What does that have to do with these women that were sexually brutalized and murdered? I have seen photos of Justin Trudeau there that have mysteriously vanished.
Since 1901, when Queen Victoria died, she did not bequeath her ownership of the Crown Corporation of Canada to her heirs. There have been no letters of authority passed on to ANY government since. The Crown is also a fraud. This is historic. We need to reclaim our Sovereign status out from under the Vatican, and world bank corruption.
So, nobody’s paying any of this actionable heed nor are they taking any effective steps to enforce the claims embedded in the arguments.
Is any sergeant at arms gearing up to nab the Governor-General? Are the Supreme Court justices reviewing arrest warrants for named scofflaws? (On what authority?) Has the RCMP corralled the House of Commons and the Senate? Is the Privy Council under preventative detention? By what body answerable to what higher ups? Are the Canadian Forces on deck ready to swoop in and impose some manner of control under some supranational auspices?
The short answer is, of course, no nor is there a foreseeable prospect of such developments occurring.
For the existing, arguably illegitimate bodies and officials depend for their power and influence on individuals they recognize as having the might to grant that power and influence. Absent that might, those individuals have nothing to confer on anyone or anything, rendering impotent anyone attempting to wield any authority reliant on those constructs.
Petitioning a body with a petition that denies that body’s right to hear or act on that petition is a self contradictory act.
Trudeau must be tried for Treason and Genocide... pedophilia and so much more. He and Chrystia were cohorts in crime. She knows he is going down and that is why she is trying to separate herself from him. It was she that okayed sending $30 billion to the Ukraine along with our Military equipment and budget. She also okayed the selling of the Crown Corporation of Canada to CCP 'Asian Bank' in November of 2022. Check out Chrystia's background and family connection to German war crimes.
Re:Treason - “That word you keep using, I don’t think it means what you think it means.”
You might be disappointed by Canada’s definition of treason in its Criminal Code. There, treason is defined as an offence against an elected government, not against “the people.” Thus, as the potentially aggrieved party, it is only “the government” that can bring forward a charge of treason, making the prospect of a government charging itself for an offence against itself absurd.
And Trudeau acting in his capacity as its head (as opposed to hiding his actions from, say, his Privy Council, his cabinet and/or the legislature) is, likewise, ineligible for charges of treason.
The reasoning for this is rather straightforward: in a criminal proceeding, a complainant must be as clearly defined/identified as an accused; but, as there are any number of entities that might portray themselves as representing Canadians as a whole, only a duly-elected government - by way of its recognized electoral endorsement - can lay a sufficiently provable claim to that role.
Of the two charges, then, genocide might be the more viable; but if Trudeau’s role in same involved lawful use of his legislative powers, then the charge would actually circle back on us as his electoral empower-ers.
These considerations are, in part, why we don’t see any in the judicial realm even floating the idea of such charges. (Another part is, of course, cowardice and complicity.) If, however, one were to change the rules of the game - say, for instance, to assert a superseding military authority by way of a tribunal - then all other bets could be off the table. Absent such a drastic development, calls of “Treason for Trudeau” are just so much emotional noise and are hardly worth entertaining.
Better we direct our energies towards defenestrating as many of the complicit and enabling operatives in our governments as possible and replacing same with capable and trustworthy alternatives. That would require one helluva lot of grass roots level party and electoral reclamation, efforts the embedded interests are confident we’re unprepared to undertake.
1. The betrayal of allegiance toward one's own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.
2. The betrayal of someone's trust or confidence.
3. The offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power; disloyalty; treachery.
Trudeau is complicit and fits perfectly into ALL of the above. He sold Crown Corp of Canada to CCP (Asian Bank) in Nov 2022, which is now listed as a FOREIGN Government ... no longer a Country. The evidence is clear as day on the Sec. I watched it change ... overnight and have the prospectus from 2021 prior to the sale, with stats back to 1997 of all governments...
There is one humungus deficit in 2021 when Trudeau gave $30 billion to Ukraine to protect his investment in the bioweapon Labs of which he gets a $40 kickback for every dose sold worldwide, on top of the $500 million Gates gave him in 2015 for selling the US banned Sars CoV2 bioweapon to his Wuhan Lab, along with Trudeau family investment in the Acuitas Lab, synthetic mRNA. He is supposed to answer to the Crown and "Protect" the people... not murder them. A Quo Warranto has been filed against him and the Governor General, who also has no real authority. We have been ruled under a 'de-facto' government since 1901, as Queen Elizabeth 1 never bequeathed the Crown Corporation of Canada to an heir. This only gave her jurisdiction via the government over the people whose birth certificates were altered to ALL CAPS and traded on the stock market like chattel, using our rightful dowry at birth. The Crown has NEVER had jurisdiction over the land and has been pirating it since 1600s when the explorers stuck a flag in Newfoundland and claimed it for the King.
FYI The Criminal Code was recently rewritten to protect the governments ass... which was noted by the owner of the Copyright and demanded that it go back to its original state.
Excellent points, all. The big issue is to identify a body that is both capable of, and prepared to, adjudicate the complaints - and (most importantly) to enforce its judgments. Furthermore, as I mentioned, above, finding a complainant that such a body would recognize as valid (based on what criteria?) would be a major hurdle.
Indeed, the entire process favours and protects its drafters and its operatives, since neither group is going to subject itself to incrimination or peril at its own hand.
In the end, as has always been the case, it’s a matter of who wields “The Big Stick.” And, truth be told, that’s never really been we, the people.
Norm Traversy (who is the real person who was one of the organizers in the Truckers Freedom Rally, who filed a Quo Warranto against the Governor General and which nullifies her authority in addition to ALL Crown Corporations under her, government, legal etc. (Allegedly, Tamara Lich was a corporate plant ... still is. She was paid to get inside info and one of the reasons for the failure or of the convoy. There is no indication that she was jailed ... and who paid her court costs?... Why was her case so open and shut? To take attention away from the truth.
Norm has been battling Trudeau on his own, with very little assistance, as he has info that implicates Trudeau as a king pin in the Pig Farm scandal. The farmer was mentally challenged and used as a patsy to coverup for those who perpetrated the crimes. They set up and staged cameras showing him doing strange things to his pigs... What does that have to do with these women that were sexually brutalized and murdered? I have seen photos of Justin Trudeau there that have mysteriously vanished.
Since 1901, when Queen Victoria died, she did not bequeath her ownership of the Crown Corporation of Canada to her heirs. There have been no letters of authority passed on to ANY government since. The Crown is also a fraud. This is historic. We need to reclaim our Sovereign status out from under the Vatican, and world bank corruption.
I am writing an update on this now as there is legal validation of this fact.
So, nobody’s paying any of this actionable heed nor are they taking any effective steps to enforce the claims embedded in the arguments.
Is any sergeant at arms gearing up to nab the Governor-General? Are the Supreme Court justices reviewing arrest warrants for named scofflaws? (On what authority?) Has the RCMP corralled the House of Commons and the Senate? Is the Privy Council under preventative detention? By what body answerable to what higher ups? Are the Canadian Forces on deck ready to swoop in and impose some manner of control under some supranational auspices?
The short answer is, of course, no nor is there a foreseeable prospect of such developments occurring.
For the existing, arguably illegitimate bodies and officials depend for their power and influence on individuals they recognize as having the might to grant that power and influence. Absent that might, those individuals have nothing to confer on anyone or anything, rendering impotent anyone attempting to wield any authority reliant on those constructs.
Petitioning a body with a petition that denies that body’s right to hear or act on that petition is a self contradictory act.
No need to check Freelands closet. All
Of them from Shanahan to Gould, Champagne to Mendocino , deserve obscurity, scorn or criminal charges for directing illegal acts