These are sick people! As well as the weak leftist western government politicians who toe the line. Woke hypocrisy-“do as I say, not as I do”

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So cute. You still believe the left vs right controlled political theatre.

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Stop calling them 'leftists' and grow up and use the proper terms whether they be 'authoritarian', 'libertarian' or other suitable words. Thank you.

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It's time we start with the Vatican and the pedophile puppets. Hell awaits for Davos people. Go F yourself.

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ICYMI, you might remember Rick Mercer's "Talking to Americans". In particular this bit -- from 2012/2001 -- which echoes, or presages current policies, or suggested ones:

"@00:19: To the honorable Paul Martin Junior, Prime minister in Waiting: Given that 2001 has been declared the year of the senior citizen we demand that the government of Canada discourage the Canadian tradition of placing senior citizens on Northern ice flows and leaving them to perish."


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I agree so lets start with the W.E.F. members then move on to our political masters and world leaders, next up should be the rich & elite, once we have culled all of them over the age of 70 we could hold a referendum to decide who should be next.

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Great idea.

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Unbelievable that anyone would follow and join this Psychotic Nut! This WEF group needs prison now!

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“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low-self esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact just surrounded by Idiots.”

-Sigmund Freud.

During Slavery the most forbidden weapon for Slave's was the ability to understand knowledge. And it is still true in this present situation of the World as we speak especially regarding The World Forum's dictatorships.

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Damn nerve Klaus Scwarb is 84 years old and King Charles is 76 so how come they’re still alive then!!!

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Exactly! They should be the first ones in line.

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When I prepared my Advanced Directive, (I’m 66) I found that the one through the largest Insurance carrier in Pittsburgh where I live seemed to prompt you into not having any type of resuscitation etc as you’ll just be old and in agony, pain etc blah, blah blah. Does that mean if I turn 70 and visit a hospital for a few days and choke on a sandwich I get for lunch and turn blue and pass out and end up in the floor no one will try to help, but just let me die? No thanks.

My Pastor when I lived in Toledo, Ohio is alive and well, praise God! Two years ago he became ill with (COVID) and was rushed to the hospital. He’s immunocompromised as he had hereditary polycystic kidney disease. He ended up on a ventilator and went into a coma for several months. The hospital pressured his wife to take him off the ventilator and let him die. They told her all kinds of things like he won’t make it, stop being so selfish can’t you see he’s suffering (his wife said they had him so drugged he couldn’t have possibly felt anything). Well she’s a very strong woman and said hello and goodbye to those hospital social workers. He came out of the coma a few months later and now 2 years after the fact is in very good health and even had a kidney transplant and no longer has the polycystic kidney disease which caused 20 lbs. of cysts! He’s now 70 years young and by God’s grace is enjoying life. So I sent away for an Advanced Directive from an organization in the US that has been fighting against our culture of death- Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide etc. It is alarming what I see in Canada and in other western countries where people even young people are encouraged to just die. The same thing of course is happening in the US. We must fight this culture of death with everything we have.

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